
Showing posts from September, 2021

“Dubai SME Goes To Another Level and It’s Amusing”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s how the drive positions the best 100 firms in Dubai's lively SME area, which contributes 47% of the emirate's GDP and records for 51% of its labor force. It was amusing that Dubai SME 100 qualify recognized SMEs dependent on certain monetary and non-monetary boundaries and backing their development in accordance with global prescribed procedures, said an assertion from the Dubai Media Office .   Looking at it, SMEs positioned under the program can partake in a progression of advantages, including a limit building program intended to address the issues of chiefs, monetary directors, HR administrators, data innovation supervisors and quality directors. The program incorporates the arrangement of warning and direction administrations and instructional meetings in organization with global accomplices.

Voters in Switzerland casted ‘YES’ for same-sex marriage

  Switzerland has became the latest country to allow same-sex couples to wed and adopt children. Yesterday, Swiss voted in a referendum, making it one of the last countries in Western Europe to legalise gay civil marriage. According to the latest opinion poll, supporters of same-sex marriage were in the lead, with 63 per cent of respondents saying they were in favour, but the "no" campaign has gathered steam over the last weeks. The amended law will make it possible for same-sex couples to get married, and to adopt children unrelated to them. Married lesbian couples would also be allowed to have children through sperm donation. This process is currently legal only for married heterosexual couples. According to a survey by global LGBT+ advocacy group ILGA and research firm RIWI , it was brought forward that almost a third of adults globally think people of the same sex should be allowed to marry. Same-sex marriages are not legally recognised in India nor are same-sex cou

“UAE‘s Collaboration With USA Gives A Flourishing Result For Innovation

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s how UAE and US will team up to significantly increment worldwide interests in food framework advancement, a top US government. For me, They are leading a worldwide drive, the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate, with the objective of significantly expanding public and private putting resources into environment keen horticulture and food framework advancement.   Looking at it, political pioneers and researchers from across the world are teaming up at the highest point to analyze the fate of worldwide food security, with a significant piece of the conversation fixating on the equilibrium of guaranteeing an effective rural framework without annihilating the world.

“UAE’s Health Care System and Management to Pandemic is Indeed A Role Model”

  This is something interesting that I want to share about what I read today. It’s how t he nation figured out how to keep its head above water during the lethal Covid-19pandemic , and life is progressively getting back to business as usual. Medical care experts credit the UAE's visionary administration, who set out the powerful drives, plans and recuperation technique that included huge immunization drive and mass testing, which, they say, assumed a urgent part in accomplishing predictability.   For me, This choice, they expressed, came after a observable decline in the quantity of Covid-19 cases in the country. As per the new choice, face covers will at this point don't be compulsory when practicing out in the open spots, driving in private vehicles for the individuals who live in a similar house just as at open sea shores, beauty parlors and pools.   Looking at it, The c oronavirus circumstance in the UAE has significantly improved with the dropping Covid rates an

“The Important Things We Can Learn From UAE’s Water Solution”

This is something interesting that I want to share about what I read today. It’s how t he marking of the Abraham Accords concurrence on September 15, 2020, has set out an exceptional freedom for the State of Israel to foster its provincial relations particularly with the Gulf States. I can say direct that the chances that the arrangements have opened have prompted proceeded with interest and energy among all included and particularly among Israelis and Emirates.   In the previous year, I have come to gain proficiency with the means that the United Arab Emirates has taken in the battle against the environment emergency, and its vision for a cutting edge, reformist water-supportable country. I understood the amount one can gain from their work to save our own remarkable regular marvel the Dead Sea. The UAE, then again, has a high level water economy dependent on cutting edge innovation and is adapting to its water difficulties.  

“A Strategic Way to Stop Terrorism Attack Has Been Issued”

  This is something great that I want to share about what I read today. It’s how UAE ’s Licensed Financial Institution consent to the new direction of the Central Bank of the U AE inside one month on exchange observing and endorses screening to guarantee against illegal tax avoidance measures. Surprisingly, The direction became effective on September 13 and requires LFIs to show consistence with CBUAE 's necessities inside one month from said date.   Looking at it, as they k eep on improving the adequacy of AML/CFT measures to protect the UAE monetary framework, they must anticipate that licensed financial institutions should satisfy their obligations also. This direction fills in as a central issue of reference for authorized monetary organizations to guarantee their consistence with AML/CFT necessities .   I can also see that LFIs are obliged to foster inside strategies, controls, and methodology that are comparable with the nature and size of their business that ar

“UAE Is Making It Possible To Introduce A Self Driving Cab”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s how Dubai and the UAE as of now put things into high gear and are forcefully pushing towards economical versatility and lessening the carbon impression.   It gloats of a first in class public vehicle framework with the driverless Dubai Metro and the Dubai Tram, the highlights alongside its transport activity, which uses state of the art innovation where travelers can follow a transport progressively. There is likewise a monstrous armada of cabs that serve individuals and keeps Dubai moving.   For me, Dubai and the nation, has consistently been a ground breaking country and is likewise exceptionally aggressive with regards to electric vehicles (EV), with different impetuses like free leaving and Salik labels. It has additionally introduced 750 charging stations all around the country.

“The Expansion of Natural Gas Plant and UAE’s Surprising Financial Deal”

  This is something great that I want to share about what I read today. It’s how UAE consortium surprisingly has gotten $250 million to help the development of a gas plant in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq as interest for clean natural gas develops. I was also stunned as Pearl Petroleum, containing Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum has consented to a financing arrangement with the US International Development Finance Corporation which is something new for this agreement.   For me, this financing concurrence with DFC highlights the significance of fostering the flammable gas assets in the KRI to help local monetary turn of events and development. Imagine, around $630 million is required for the venture, the assertion said, and the excess financing has as of now been gotten through a local bank office and the worker for hire.

UAE airlifts urgent food and medical assistance to Afghanistan

  The situation in Afghanistan is taking a heavy toll on the people inside the country especially women and children. A lot of those people who have been displaced are in desperate need of food aid and medical care. UAE, as part of its contribution to provide the basic and necessary needs of thousands of Afghan families sent a plane carrying urgent medical and food aid to Afghanistan. This is one of UAE's noble legacy during this Afghanistan crisis that is something to be proud of. UAE’s dedication to Helping thousands of people in Afghanistan is really commendable, and it is impressive how much UAE is helping many people in Afghanistan in these difficult times. With the directives and leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed AlNahyan , UAE helps and UAE promotes values of giving, tolerance and service to humanity.

“UAE’s Relentless Achievement in AI Gains Attention”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s how a great deal has occurred in the field of Artificial Intelligence since the UAE labeled its fate to the innovation region. Simulated intelligence can finish our sentences, propose programming code, compose plays, and self-drive vehicles. Well nearly. For me, The UAE on its part has perceived that AI would be the bedrock for setting up its monetary authority and a solid worldwide way of life as an AI-driven country. The nation is in like manner having a special interest later on, while enhancing its economy.   Looking at it, across the world, new AI forward leaps to the side, this innovation region is seeing underlying headways. For instance, PC vision has become pervasive, and AutoML is making AI more available.